Sustainability / People
Positive change through fairness and equality
Since the 1950s, we have been on a mission to empower people to be happy just as they are.
Our strong belief in inclusivity and equal rights shines through in our actions and designs – both inside and outside of Marimekko. Our culture is founded on equality, diversity, and inclusivity and we promote and foster these values in our entire value chain. By actively collaborating with other players in the industry, we can drive positive change across the whole sector.

Our suppliers – chosen based on expertise
The textile industry is truly global, flowing across borders and continents. Despite the many links of a global supply chain, we aim to provide full transparency in the long run. It’s a complex task, but one that we are determined to complete.
Marimekko ensures that our products are manufactured in accordance with our values and responsible sourcing principles.
100% of the products made outside of the EU came from audited suppliers.
Marimekko aims to build lasting relationships with its suppliers. Cultivating mutually beneficial relationships allows us to grow together. Some of our partnerships have blossomed into beautiful collaborations that have lasted even decades. This is a testament to the power of connection and the joy of growing together year after year.
Marimekko products were manufactured in China (24%), Thailand (18%), Portugal (17%), Estonia (11%), Turkey (6%), Finland (5%), Lithuania (4%), Hungary and Pakistan (3%), India, Vietnam, Romania, and Italy (2%), and Indonesia (1%).
Our value “fairness to everyone and everything” crystallizes Marimekko’s sustainability thinking.
Our value “fairness to everyone and everything” crystallizes Marimekko’s sustainability thinking.
At Marimekko, our ambition is clear: we want to find the best supplier partners for each of our creations. We are committed to promoting human rights, living wages, worker empowerment, and safe working conditions in our supply chain and throughout all our operations, and we require the same from our suppliers.
Marimekko has a wide and varied product range and manufacturing of our products requires a skillful and diverse partner supplier network. Regardless of where our products are made, we want to ensure that they are manufactured in accordance with our values and responsible sourcing principles. Our principles are rooted in rooted in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations. Furthermore, our suppliers share our commitment to responsible material sourcing, which aligns with Marimekko's Product Policy.
Marimekko has been a member of the European amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) since 2011. Through amfori BSCI, we leverage its resources to monitor and enhance working conditions across our global supply chains. Independent third-party audits along with on-site visits by Marimekko staff in both Europe and Asia, form part of our rigorous monitoring process.

In our pursuit of transparency, Marimekko proudly publishes a list of its partner suppliers on the company website and the Open Supply Hub platform.
Our personnel – championing fairness and courage
We champion fairness, courage, and cooperation, cultivating an open, low-hierarchy corporate culture rooted in creativity and entrepreneurship.
At Marimekko, we recognize that our personnel's well-being is paramount. We focus on their work ability and functional capacity while fostering an empowering working atmosphere. Through a comprehensive approach, we support and promote the personal and professional development of our employees.
Central to Marimekko's culture and working environment is a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). We are dedicated to cultivating a workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and included. Equality and authenticity have been fundamental values since our earliest days, and we continue to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion within our communities. For example, we support inclusion through our choices in imagery and representation as a constant and consistent part of Marimekko’s marketing.

At Marimekko, we believe that by prioritizing the well-being and diversity of our team, we not only strengthen our organization but also contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive society.